BY DR. ARIANNA CARUGHI SAB MEMBER, NUTRITIONAL SCIENTIST A strong, well-functioning immune system is the cornerstone of good health. Continuing on SAB member, Dr. Diane Clayton’s article Supporting your Immune System and SAB Director, John Miller’s article Human Immune Function: Facts and Realities for today, and always, I wanted to focus on the role […]
Vitamins D and Its Benefits
Vitamin D is essential for good health and prevention for diseases. It also contributes to the normal function of the immune system. Vitamin D is produced in the body when ultraviolet B (UVB) rays from sunlight hit the skin. You also get vitamin D directly from foods, but it is generally difficult to obtain adequate […]
5 Effective Vitamins To Help Fight COVID-19 Disease
Vitamins are essential! With the spread of this dangerous virus across the world, everyone is concerned about their immunity. It is because coronavirus (COVID-19) is impacting people with low immunity levels on a level that there are chances of less survival. Whereas, people with high immunity are capable of coming out of this virus. And, […]