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Neolife Kenya

NeoLife Kenya – Compensation Plan

compensation pla

The NeoLife Club community is growing and vibrant. The
NeoLife Club is born out of a rich 50+ year heritage and today
has evolved to embrace the fast paced and ever engaging
social networking generation.
We are proud to provide you with products that work to deliver
important results and all based upon the best of Science
and Nature.

We are in position to deliver solutions to today’s obesity epidemic
with a system including products, a “let’s do this together” spirit
and coaching guidance to embrace a healthier lifestyle.
And, if you’re already in good shape we have the products and
culture that fitness minded people want to share.
Most importantly, we are proud of our loyal Promoters, dedicated to making a difference by reaching out and helping their family, friends and co-workers to realize their full potential.
We are a “word of mouth,” social networking business. Rather than paying advertisers we pay you
for sharing our products and our message. That is what this “Compensation Plan” guide is all about.

As you build your business you will unlock endless possibilities of financial success through NeoLife’s profitable Compensation Plan. It is a highly rewarding plan, and in no time, you will be on your way to financial freedom.

Multiple Income Streams!

You earn income from your Neolife business in so many ways.

  • Sales Volume Bonus.
  • Leadership Development Bonuses on other Directors developed in your business
  • Network Development Bonus on your entire network
  • Regular incentives, personal recognition and travel rewards based on your performance

Getting Started as a Partner

Start by completing a Partnership Application with your Sponsor.

Following enrollment you will receive:
Personal Identification Number – Your Distributor ID- Your Partner recognition pin -Pin is our way of welcoming you into the NeoLife family- Your Distributor Kit – This kit will help you get your business started right away

Definitions & Terminology

PV – Point Value – PV is a Point Value assigned to each product and is used to qualify for bonuses, recognition and achievements.
PPV – Personal Point Value – Personal PV is PV on your  Account and represents the total Point Value of all products that you purchased during the month. 100 PPV is the minimum monthly activity for a Distributor to be eligible to participate in NeoLife’s Compensation Plan Bonuses and Incentives.
QPV – Qualified Point Value – QPV is a combined PV figure: your Personal PV for the month plus the PV of all the Distributors you’ve sponsored, and that they have sponsored, extending to the next Qualified Director in your downline.
Qualified Director – Qualified Director is a Distributor who has the Director Title and accumulates at least 4,000 QPV. Qualified Directors earn the 20% “Top of the Chart” Sales Volume Bonus.
Group PV – Group Point Value – Is your QPV plus the QPV of three levels of Qualified Directors in your group.
BV – Bonus Volume – BV is a currency value assigned to each product on which your bonuses are calculated.

Step Up!

Your business grow as you grow.


MANAGER: Qualification

Accumulate volume from your orders plus the orders of Partners you sponsored for a total of 500 QPV (Qualified Point Value) in one month, with at least 100 Personal PV.


All the Distributor benefits plus:

  • Receive a “Manager” pin recognizing your achievement.
  • Attend NeoLife sales meetings, team training, and special events.


SENIOR MANAGER: Qualification

Accumulate 1,000 QPV in one month with 100 PPV.
Special Note: You can achieve both your Manager and Senior Manager qualifications
in the same month.


All the Manager benefits plus:

  • Receive a “Senior Manager” pin recognizing your achievement.
  • Attend Senior Manager training and other leadership events.
  • Active Senior Managers will advance to Director and a 20% Sales Volume Bonus when they accumulate 4,000 QPV in a month!



Qualified Senior Manager is a very valuable status for you to maintain each month.
You are a Qualified Senior Manager the month that you first achieve 1,000 QPV. Every month thereafter that you achieve 1,000 QPV or more, you maintain your Qualified Senior Manager status.



Achieving Director is YOUR KEY TO SUCCESS

DIRECTOR QUALIFICATIONS are normally achieved in a minimum of 2 months: the Senior Manager qualifying month and a subsequent 4,000 QPV month.
Partners who begin with Manager or Senior Manager Kits can achieve Director immediately; even in the month that they start by simply achieving 4,000 QPV.



The NeoLife Director Qualifications include two simple steps:
1. Achieve Senior Manager and maintain Active Promoter status*
2. In any subsequent month, accumulate 4,000 QPV


All the Senior Manager benefits plus:

  • A prestigious “Director” pin
  • Earn the maximum Sales Volume Bonus (20%)
  • Earn Leadership Development Bonuses
  • Participate in specialized Director training
  • Earn special Director incentives including travel to NeoLife functions, meetings, and Conventions



Emerald Director is an exciting goal for every Director. It reflects consistency in maintaining a growing Director business.


NeoLife’s Emerald Director qualifications include two simple steps:
1. Be a NeoLife Director.
2. Achieve 3 consecutive months as a Qualified Director with at least 4,000 QPV.


Director benefits plus:

  • Receive a prestigious “Emerald Director” pin.
  • Earn special Incentives.
  • You’re in position to qualify for Sapphire  Director and World Team benefits, including
    exciting travel incentives.

Ready to get started? Register here.

For more info or assistance, WhatsApp or call: +254 703878170


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  2. IAM Isaac rutto from Kenya kindly am looking for a job

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